Syllabus for MA  732, Spring 2012

Instructor:  J. E. Franke
Office:  SAS 3222
Office Hours:  8:45 - 9:45 MWF and 11:15-12:00 Th or by appointment
Phone Number:  515-2381
E-mail address:
2. Goals and Objectives:
 MA 732 is a second course in the theory of ordinary differential equations. Students will
3. Textbook:
Differential Dynamical Systems, by James Meiss. SIAM 2007, Price $81.50
Links to errata:
4. Topics:

Chapters 5 through 8.

5. Tentative schedule of reading assignments

Read the sections to be covered for the week.

6. Tentative schedule of homework due dates, quizzes and tests

Homework will be worked in groups.

The final is on Friday, May 4 at 1:00  pm.  It is a 3 hour test.

7. Determination of grades: + and - system
Homework: 25%
Test 1: 20%
Test 2 :
Final: 35%
8. Policy on incomplete grades and late assignments:  Late homework assignments will not be graded.

9. Policy on absences (excused and unexcused) and scheduling makeup work:

The attendance policy is consistent with the Academic Regulations which can be found at (link)

In addition, the following clarifications are used in this course:  Excused absences are required for making up a missed test.

10. Course Prerequisites / Restrictive Statements:

        MA 532, MA 515.

More information is available at : (link)

11. Academic Integrity Statement:

Students are expected to follow university guidelines available at (link)
12. NC State policy on working with students with disabilities:
Information can be found at (link)
13. Statement on laboratory safety or risk assumption in courses requiring physical activity or field trips:
14. Statement on "pass-through" charges e.g. , lane rental at bowling alley, field trip costs, etc.:
Further Information:
NCSU Academic Regulations can be found at  (link)

  15.  Homework
Indiviual Turn-In
Group Turn-In
Extra not turned in
Due date